
Every 24 days (or less)

We are pretty aligned with one thing here at Smart Pack… (this time it’s not only our commitment to our customers) but we as a team, believe that true kindness comes through helping other Kiwis in need, and that’s why we created our giving initiative.

We kicked this off last month and thought we’d keep you in the loop because we’re more than just a company that buys and sells things…

So, here’s how it works… every Smart Pack employee selects a NZ charity of their choice that they’d like to give to, and Smart Pack will donate to that awesome cause. *that’s one every 24 days!

If you’re you’d like to see how this unfolds and see who gives to who – follow us here: LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram.

In the future, we want to include our customers in this initiative – so keep following our charity drive to see how you can be part of our story, giving back to fellow Kiwis and helping those in need.

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.