Charities We Support

Supporting World Diabetes Day – Diabetes NZ

Giving back comes from the heart and showing others we care. So, when asked to make her charity of choice, Phoenix Currie (Marketing Coordinator and International Purchasing Support) was drawn to Diabetes NZ, as it’s a cause very close to her heart. Phoenix’s now 2-year-old cousin, Sakura, suddenly went into a coma (ketoacidosis caused by hyperglycemia, which is very high blood sugar levels) when she was 7 months old. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and her family have since learnt how to manage this by knowing when to check Sakura’s blood glucose levels, and to administer the correct amount of insulin when needed.

‘Together we can help Kiwis with Diabetes live well.’

Diabetes NZ’s mission is to ‘lead, champion and advocate for change to reduce the incidence of diabetes, improved diabetes health care, and empower those affected by or at risk of diabetes to lead healthy, active lives.’ Diabetes NZ has been supporting Kiwis with information and resources to help identify and manage diabetes symptoms for more than 50 years.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin, or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas, that lets glucose pass from the blood stream into the cells of the body, in order to produce energy. Not being able to produce insulin, or use it effectively, leads to raised glucose levels in the blood. Long-term effects of high glucose levels are damage to the body, and failure of various organs and tissues.

smart pack employee supporting world diabetes day 2021Phoenix chose Diabetes NZ as her charity of choice

This year, Sunday the 14th of November was World Diabetes Day, and November is also Diabetes Action Month. We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative, which helps this charity continue to represent and support people with Diabetes.

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
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