Charities We Support

Supporting Alzheimers NZ

Lucas Grapes, who works in our Production department, chose Alzheimers NZ as his charity of choice. Alzheimers NZ is an important charity to Lucas, as he has an uncle living with the disease, and knows how debilitating it can be. He wanted to show support for the invaluable research that Alzheimers NZ undertake to help those affected by dementia, as well as their loved ones. Smart Pack are proud to support the Alzheimers NZ charity and the incredible work they do.

‘A dementia friendly New Zealand’

Alzheimers NZ represents people living with dementia in New Zealand, by raising awareness of dementia, providing information and resources, advocating for high quality services, and promoting research about prevention, treatment, cure and care. Dementia can affect anyone, and as people get older, the chances of developing dementia increase. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease – which around two-thirds of people with dementia have. The symptoms each person experiences depends on the parts of the brain that are affected. However, the most common dementia symptoms include changes in memory, thinking, behaviour, personality and emotions. These changes affect a person’s ability to perform tasks and interfere with their everyday lives. Dementia is progressive, which means that for most people the changes gradually spread through the brain and lead to the symptoms getting worse.


Local Alzheimers organisations provide the following services:

  • Information and education to assist with understanding and living with a dementia diagnosis
  • Support for family and friends coping with the demands of caring
  • Support groups and day programmes for people affected by dementia
Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
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