Making It Better Everyday
The key is to keep us informed of inventory, and not let us run out of bags, or even think about it! With Smart Pack looking after it, I don't have to worry. I just order the bags and they turn up.
Tony Manning
Nutritech International
If there is something in the marketplace that would improve a job or improve presentation, then Smart Pack will find it, this is what makes them better than others who are soldiering on with the same old same old.
Malcolm Knott
Industrial Sands
Their responses when ordering are really quick. If I rang Smart Pack today and asked for two pallets of bulk bags, they’d say ‘yep’, and I know they’ll be there tomorrow, it’s seamless.
Brian Funnell
NZ AgBiz
Smart Pack is extremely good at understanding the bag structure. There was something sewn into the seams and they said we could save money by removing it, they were keen on helping us save costs. I wouldn't even have known it was an option if they hadn't mentioned it. They look out for us and our productions costs, they're not just about selling us bags.
Paul Middlemiss
Blue Pacific Minerals
Sandbags In Use
- Sign bags
- Flood protection
- Civil construction