Charities We Support

Supporting the Heart Foundation

Give from the heart, Blake Currie’s choice of charity is the Heart Foundation. Blake loves to be active, and believes that all of New Zealand’s people should stand a chance against our nation’s single biggest killer, heart disease. Smart Pack are proud to support Heart Foundation and the incredible work they do.

In New Zealand, 170,000 people are living with heart disease, and every 90 minutes, a New Zealander dies from this disease. This means almost 1 in 3 deaths in New Zealand are caused by cardiovascular disease. Many of these deaths are premature and preventable. Heart Foundation’s mission is to stop all people in New Zealand dying prematurely from heart disease, and to enable people with the disease to live full lives. Since 1968, the Heart Foundation has donated $82 million to the research of heart disease.

We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative, as we feel that by donating to this cause, we can show our support and help save Kiwis lives by funding research.

supporting heart foundation charityBlake chose Heart Foundation as his charity of choice
Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting Coastguard NZ

As the year draws to a close and Summer holidays are nearly upon us, it was rather fitting that Joe was drawn to Coastguard NZ as his charity of choice. Joe Wycherley, who is our Operations Manager, loves the outdoors and believes all of New Zealand’s people should feel safe on the water. Coastguard NZ is ‘the charity saving lives at sea’, and Smart Pack are proud to support Coastguard NZ and the incredible work they do.

Coastguard NZ’s rescue crews are made up of approx. 1,988 volunteers, who are organised, trained and equipped 24/7. They are the primary maritime search and rescue service in New Zealand. These professional volunteers dedicate a huge amount of their free time to helping keep their fellow Kiwis alive on the water. We are so grateful to have people willing to give up their time to help others, and feel that by donating to this cause, we can do our bit to show our support.

Coastguard NZ has 63 units across the country, made up of two communications units, two air patrol units, and 59 ‘wet’ units who crew rescue vessels.

We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative, which helps keep Kiwis safe on the water, by providing education (like boating courses) and lifesaving rescue services.

Happy Holidays New Zealand!

coastguard nz charity smart packJoe chose Coastguard NZ as his charity of choice
Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting World Diabetes Day – Diabetes NZ

Giving back comes from the heart and showing others we care. So, when asked to make her charity of choice, Phoenix Currie (Marketing Coordinator and International Purchasing Support) was drawn to Diabetes NZ, as it’s a cause very close to her heart. Phoenix’s now 2-year-old cousin, Sakura, suddenly went into a coma (ketoacidosis caused by hyperglycemia, which is very high blood sugar levels) when she was 7 months old. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and her family have since learnt how to manage this by knowing when to check Sakura’s blood glucose levels, and to administer the correct amount of insulin when needed.

‘Together we can help Kiwis with Diabetes live well.’

Diabetes NZ’s mission is to ‘lead, champion and advocate for change to reduce the incidence of diabetes, improved diabetes health care, and empower those affected by or at risk of diabetes to lead healthy, active lives.’ Diabetes NZ has been supporting Kiwis with information and resources to help identify and manage diabetes symptoms for more than 50 years.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin, or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas, that lets glucose pass from the blood stream into the cells of the body, in order to produce energy. Not being able to produce insulin, or use it effectively, leads to raised glucose levels in the blood. Long-term effects of high glucose levels are damage to the body, and failure of various organs and tissues.

smart pack employee supporting world diabetes day 2021Phoenix chose Diabetes NZ as her charity of choice

This year, Sunday the 14th of November was World Diabetes Day, and November is also Diabetes Action Month. We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative, which helps this charity continue to represent and support people with Diabetes.

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Product Innovations

Welcome to the future of sustainable bulk bags…

Did you know that 1 million plastic bottles are used around the world every minute? Far too many of these end up in landfills or the ocean.

Introducing the most environmentally friendly bulk bags on the market. These bulk bags are made from 100% recycled PET and boast some awesome environmental gains compared with using traditional bulk bags.

  1. For every rPET bulk bag produced, we stop the plastic used to make the bag from ending up somewhere it shouldn’t or landfill.
  2. We’re stopping new (virgin) plastic from entering our eco-system.
  3. PET as a resin holds its molecular structure much better than other resins do through the recycling process, allowing us to maintain quality whilst holding significant weights as bulk bags are required to do. For example – it would not be possible to make a quality bulk bag from recycled PP.
  4. Up to 25% less CO² emissions compared to that of a traditional bulk bag.

These bulk bags are tested and certified to international standards, and have integral UV stability to ensure performance in harsh environmental conditions. They are also fully customisable to suit your requirements, including SWL (safe weight loading), size, filling and discharge spouts, and printing, with up to 4 colours available.

Here is some more on the process:

Reducing the global plastic waste crisis one bag at a time. Join the movement!
Learn more about this product innovation.
Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Giving back is about being able to better the lives of the people around you. So, when asked to make her charity of choice, Donna Marshall was drawn to the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. Breast Cancer is a cause close to her heart as she is surrounded by so many wonderful women that have positively impacted her life. Donna is our Customer Service Team Leader and she is always willing to go out of her way to make customers happy, so it’s fitting that she wants to help others in need. Donating to this cause assists in further research and support for those undergoing diagnosis or treatment.

‘Towards zero deaths’

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s vision is zero deaths from breast cancer. They believe that by pushing for new frontiers in early detection, treatment and support, they can turn their vision into reality. Breast cancer is still the most common cancer for women in New Zealand. Every year, around 3,300 Kiwis are told they have breast cancer, and each year, 650 women die from breast cancer.

smart pack employees supporting breast cancer awareness month 2021Donna (third from the left), chose Breast Cancer Foundation NZ as her charity of choice

Every year, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This year, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s annual Pink Ribbon Appeal and Pink Ribbon Walk were cancelled due to Covid-19. We still wanted to do our bit by helping them make their dream a reality. Getting involved in this awesome initiative helps keep breast cancer research, education and patient support programs running.

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting World Arthritis Day – Arthritis NZ

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Here at Smart Pack we believe that true kindness is all about giving back where we can. Theo Pearce, who is part of our Production Team, chose Arthritis NZ as his charity of choice. When Theo isn’t in the warehouse, he loves spending his free time on the soccer field, and believes all of New Zealand’s people should have a chance to be pain free and enjoy the outdoors. He wanted to do his bit by helping make dreams become a reality.

‘Improving the life of every person affected by Arthritis.’

Arthritis NZ is a national not-for-profit organisation, focused on raising awareness and providing advice and support. Arthritis is a term that covers more than 140 conditions that affect joints. Some types of Arthritis affect the skin and internal organs as well. People of all ages can get Arthritis, including infants, it is a chronic condition with no cure. Arthritis NZ helps out by advocating for people with Arthritis, providing training courses, conducting research, and offering local and online support groups.

This year, World Arthritis Day took place on Tuesday the 12th of October. We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative.

smart pack donates to arthritis nz
Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting the SPCA

Here at Smart Pack, we believe that true kindness comes through giving back and helping others in need. It was Staci’s turn to choose which charity Smart Pack should donate to and of course, the SPCA was top of mind! She has a desire to help animals as they are unable to help themselves easily. She encourages her children to help take care of them and they often foster abandoned animals that are found on the farm. “You have not lived today, until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

‘Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.’

The SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was founded in England in 1824 and is the world’s oldest animal welfare organisation. They have been protecting New Zealand’s animals for over 140 years. Every year, the SPCA helps 35,000 animals who are sick, injured, abused, or abandoned. They also provided 2,127 primary and intermediate schools with 6 copies of each of their books about animal welfare, free of charge. Animals at the SPCA receive health checks, vaccinations, and microchips, which all cannot be done without help from donations.

smart pack employee staciStaci Jelliman chose the SPCA as her charity of choice

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Supporting Daffodil Day – Cancer Society

Here at Smart Pack, we believe that true kindness comes through helping other Kiwis in need. We endeavour to give back to the community, and that’s why we created our new Caring For Our Community Initiative. As part of this initiative, each employee has selected a NZ charity of their choice, and every 24 days (or less), Smart Pack commits to donate to a selected employee’s charity on their behalf. Our Managing Director, Leon Currie, was the 2nd person to choose a charity. Leon’s selected charity is Cancer Society, who Smart Pack are proud to support. Read more about the incredible work this charity does below:

‘Cancer doesn’t stop, so we won’t either.’

Every year, 25,000+ New Zealander’s are diagnosed with cancer. The Cancer Society believes that no one should go through their cancer journey alone. Whether it’s driving someone to their treatment, providing advice to someone who has rung their 0800 number, or sitting with them during their treatment – the Cancer Society is there. But they can’t do this without help. Every dollar raised for Daffodil Day goes towards cancer care for patients and their whānau, education and awareness programmes, and life-saving cancer research. Our contribution to this amazing organisation helps make a difference to the lives of many Kiwis, and ensures no one in New Zealand has to go through cancer alone.

smart pack employee leon Leon Currie chose Cancer Society as his charity of choice

Due to Covid-19, Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Day Street Appeal (27th of August) was cancelled this year. We wanted to do our bit by getting involved in this awesome initiative online instead.

smart pack supporting daffodil day 2021

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity and their initiative.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.

Every 24 days (or less)

We are pretty aligned with one thing here at Smart Pack… (this time it’s not only our commitment to our customers) but we as a team, believe that true kindness comes through helping other Kiwis in need, and that’s why we created our giving initiative.

We kicked this off last month and thought we’d keep you in the loop because we’re more than just a company that buys and sells things…

So, here’s how it works… every Smart Pack employee selects a NZ charity of their choice that they’d like to give to, and Smart Pack will donate to that awesome cause. *that’s one every 24 days!

If you’re you’d like to see how this unfolds and see who gives to who – follow us here: LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram.

In the future, we want to include our customers in this initiative – so keep following our charity drive to see how you can be part of our story, giving back to fellow Kiwis and helping those in need.

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Charities We Support

Supporting Red Nose Day – Cure Kids

Here at Smart Pack, we believe that true kindness comes through helping other Kiwis in need. We endeavour to give back to the community, and that’s why we created our new Caring For Our Community Initiative. As part of this new initiative, each employee has selected a NZ charity of their choice, and every 24 days (or less), Smart Pack commits to donate to a selected employee’s charity on their behalf. The first employee selected is Dallas Tautu, our Warehouse and Logistics Manager. Dallas’s selected charity is Cure Kids, who Smart Pack are proud to support. Read more about the incredible work this charity does below:

Funding Child Health Research – Big Research For Little Lives

For more than 45 years, Cure Kids has been funding New Zealand researcher’s to find better treatments and cures for serious health conditions and illnesses that affect thousands of children. Our contribution to this amazing organisation helps make a difference to the lives of Kiwi kids, and ensure medical research can continue to improve health outcomes for children. Cure Kids have funded, or are currently funding, research to find better treatments and cures for inherited heart conditions, cystic fibrosis, childhood cancers, sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), stillbirth, burns, epilepsy, and child/adolescent mental health, among many others. Since 1971, Cure Kids has invested more than $60 million in New Zealand research. They are the largest funder of child health research outside the government.

Meet one of Cure Kid’s ambassador’s:

Dallas Tautu chose Cure Kids as his charity of choice

Red Nose Day is Cure Kid’s biggest annual fundraising appeal. This year, it took place on Friday the 30th of July. We wanted to do our bit by getting our workplace involved in this awesome initiative.

smart pack employees supporting red nose day 2021

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this charity and their initiative.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Services We Offer

You have less than 4 seconds…

You have less than 4 seconds… that is the maximum time an average customer will dedicate to any product on the shelf.

Seem overwhelming? Not really, take a quick look at our few top tips to make your packaging design and graphics work for you.

Buying decisions are so heavily dependent on a package’s power to influence purchasing behaviour, so it is crucial to maximize a packaging design’s potential and optimize every aspect of it.

Here is how:

Attractiveness:  Simply put- first impressions last and customers are attracted to visuals and colours. You have one chance to stand out from the competition by showcasing your brand. Use it.

Silently sell your product: Build that relationship between your brand and the end user. Add in memory retention and you have a repeat sale with no extra cost. Branded packaging has the potential to help sell more product both at point of sale and when it is in use or stored in your customer’s shed. A silent salesperson if you will.

Honesty & Uniqueness: What does your brand encompass and what values do you stand for, are you sharing this with your customers? Give them a glimpse into who you are and let your packaging tell your story.

Effectiveness: This is where functionality and fabrication come into play. Every product is unique and requires tailored packaging to ensure optimal handling whilst in transit for perfect shelf display. Initial attraction is one thing, but it is as important that packaging stays looking good and keeps your product protected every step of the way.

So where to now and where do we come in?

Here at Smart Pack, we have our own talented in-house design team. We have the capacity to quickly turn around quality packaging designs, including 3D renderings to ensure your visual is perfect before going to print. No stress, no fuss, our design team understand packaging construction, and know exactly what will work best for each of our product’s offerings. Let us create the perfect product for you!

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.

Then… Now… The Future

Can you believe it has been six years down the line since we started Smart Pack? We can hardly comprehend it ourselves!

While we spend a vast amount of our time projecting forward, working on business strategies, and all the stuff that comes with it, we often reminisce back to the days when it all started. It is important to maintain the core roots of the business and not forget those truly humble beginnings.

Nothing in principle has really changed since we started. In essence it is all about genuinely helping clients who want seriously good packaging. The advantage with time, comes experience, and we can now back our principals with on-ground knowledge and a seriously loyal and committed team. Everyone here goes the extra mile to help our clients be their best and get the results they want. Bags and sacks might be our business, but it is really about people and performance, energy, and attitude. Every day.

We wanted to share our latest company video, as it is an opportunity to meet the people who bring the vision together, to benefit every client we have.

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Product Innovations

Introducing Fusion, a true stitchless Bulk Bag

At Smart Pack, it is our job to make your packaging look good, but when it comes to product innovation, this one makes us look good!

Smart Pack are releasing FUSION – a Seamless Bulk Bag based on revolutionary technology. Say goodbye to those issues associated with stitched bulk bags and say hello to FUSION bulk bags. Ideal for food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

  • Food Grade
  • Revolutionary Technology
  • No Seams – Leakproof
  • Zero Risk of Thread Contamination

Learn more about this packaging innovation.
Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Charities We Support

Caring for our community – RRT

We are proud to be New Zealand owned and operated, and believe that true kindness comes through helping other Kiwis in need. We endeavour to give back to our community, it makes our hearts happy. Smart Pack works closely with RRT (Rapid Relief Team) and donate not only financially but through our spare time too. We actively get involved in community projects, by packaging food boxes, and assisting with fund raising – we are rather good at cooking sausage sizzles! Causes RRT work with:

Emergency & Disaster Relief

When natural disasters unfold, you can count on the Rapid Relief Team to be on the front-line, serving emergency service personnel with quality food and refreshments, and providing tangible support to those in need.


RRT has a heart for the homeless, and supports homeless missions across the globe by serving meals and donating blankets and other essential items.


RRT volunteers help bring joy into the life of disadvantaged youth, by supporting youth-focused charities that empower young people to grow beyond adversities.

Health & Disability

When it comes to health and disability, RRT steps in to support government and charitable organisations that raise vital funds and awareness for related causes.

In addition, thousands of Kiwi families are struggling to make ends meet with continual rising costs of housing, schooling and everyday food necessities. Sadly, this often results in family violence and situations where police become involved. The RRT Food Box is an alternative way that Police Officers can help bring relief to families in need. RRT donate Food Boxes to various Police stations throughout New Zealand, and these are handed to vulnerable families in times of desperate need.

Feel free to contact us should you want to know more, or find out more about this incredible organisation.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Product Innovations

Introducing the Smart Release™ Bulk Bag

Bulk Bags have revolutionised the way we transport and store dry goods, but discharging their contents is not without risks. Traditional bulk bag designs require someone to reach under the bag with their entire upper body, to slit the bag open, or to release a dispensing spout. With bulk bags able to hold 1000kg+, Health and Safety is a major consideration.

Until now!!!

We have greatly reduced the risks involved in discharging bulk bags with the introduction of a new, innovative design, the Smart Release™ system.

The Smart Release™ bulk bag has a spout underneath that is controlled by a series of ties, which can be accessed while standing beside the bag (not reaching underneath it).

Developed as a joint venture between Smart Pack and the manufacturer, the Smart Release™ bag is the newest and safest bulk bag on the market in New Zealand.

Not only that, but it comes with cost and time-saving efficiencies.

Why the Smart Release™ bulk bag will tick your boxes:


If you care about the safety of your people… this is the safest Bulk Bag discharge/release system on the market.


When you have multiple sites and staff, small inefficiencies can soon add up. The longer a job takes, the more it costs you in the long run. The Smart Release™ bulk bag is quick and easy to use. Its simple but clever design is easy to understand, requiring little training and speeding up the whole process of discharging.


Before spouts, bulk bags had to be cut open to release their contents, rendering them a single-use product. With its innovative tie system, the spout on the Smart Release™ bulk bag can be easily and securely put back in place after its contents have been emptied. This can be done on the spot, so each bag leaves the yard ready for its next use.


Yes, there are already bulk bags with the spout feature on the market. But they can be difficult to re-tie and when they aren’t tied up properly they don’t work. And then you end up having to cut the bag open anyway. The Smart Release™ system is pretty much fail proof. Release, tie, refill, repeat.

The saying goes, ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. But we don’t subscribe to this. We won’t change something just for the sake of it, but just because something’s working well, doesn’t mean it can’t be done better.

We are constantly looking for innovative, but practical, solutions to improve on our products.

The Smart Release™ system is clever in its simplicity and, like all good inventions, it will leave you wondering why it wasn’t invented sooner!

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.

Could the functionality of your bags be improved?

So often when visiting various clients, we find them using Bulk Bags that are not ‘fit for purpose’. Most of the time they do not even realise this. The question is what do I need to understand to choose the right bulk bag? Below are some key points to consider to ensure your bulk bag is fit for purpose.

Is the current size/dimensions of your bags correct?

A few centimeters can make all the difference with a bag.

To ensure your bulk bag is the optimal size/dimensions you need to consider the following:

  • What is the cubic density of your product?
  • How are the bags being stored?
  • How are they being transported?
  • What sized pallets are you transporting them on?

Consideration of the above points will help you work out the ideal bag size/dimensions for ease of storage, transportation, best use of container space (if your product goes into containers) etc.

What type and weight of fabric do you actually need?

Often overlooked is the material type and strength required for your requirements. We have found a lot of customers using an over specified or underspecified bags resulting in unnecessary extra cost or poor bag performance.

To ensure your bag has the correct material type and strength, consider the following points:

  • What is the weight of the product going into the bag? – you may require a heavier or lighter duty fabric.
  • Is your product combustible and therefore requires anti-static material to avoid combustion?
  • Is a laminated material or an internal liner necessary to avoid product seepage and/or for moisture protection?
  • Is the weave pattern in the material holding as form stable as you require?
  • Are your lifting loops holding form for ease of use?

Bag Filling & Emptying


Filling bags can be a pain point if you haven’t got the correct bag top option for your product or bag filling system.

There are two common filling options to choose from:
1. a ‘spout top’ – which is usually sized to fit your bag filling head.
2. a ‘duffle/skirt top’ – this is more of a general top option as it gives scope for a wider range of filling methods.

Ask yourself:

  • Is your current bag filling system working as well as it could be?
  • Do I have the best filling equipment for my requirements?
  • Do my current bags have the correct top construction for your bag filling system?

Is it safe and easy for the end-user to empty your bags?

There are multiple options when it comes to bag emptying systems but its a question of what works best for the person who has to empty your bags.

Some points to consider include:

  • Are your workers or customers at any risk when emptying your bags?
  • Do you need a discharge spout on the bottom of your bags? If so, what size does it need to be to allow your product to flow easy?
  • Are the bags being re-used?
  • Could the Smart Release option be best for you?

With health & safety and ease of use in mind, having a safer, smarter and easier to use bag emptying system on your bags could result in an increased demand for your products from your customers.

Think about the end-user, make it easy and make it safe.

Not to be overlooked….

• Do your bags need to be multi-trip (re-usable) or single-trip (one use)?
• Do you need a plastic liner in your bag (particularly for food-grade products, or a product with a high moisture content)?
• Is your product very fine and would, therefore, benefit from having an anti-sift filler cord sewn into the bags seems to stop product seepage?
• Are your lifting loops user friendly – for both the end-user and you?
• Do you require food grade certified bags? – Maybe you think and have been told your current bags are food grade when actually they aren’t. This happens all too often.
• Do the bags need to handle high temperatures without failing?

The team at Smart Pack has a wealth of knowledge about the in’s and outs of bulk bags and packaging in general – in fact, we live and breathe it! So, if you’re looking to reassess your packaging requirements, feel free to contact us and tap into this knowledge because we’re here to help provide packing solutions that are “fit for purpose” for you!

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How It's Made

The Bulk Bag manufacturing process

Not all bags are created equal. With our FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container) bags it’s definitely a case of ‘more than meets the eye’. Hardworking bags like these need to meet rigorous safety standards, to ensure they are up to the job. Making them is a fascinating process that starts with just a few small polymer granules. Sound interesting? Let us take you on a quick journey of the production process.

1. Extruding the tape lines/thread

Like any woven fabric, the process starts with creating the thread. But rather than being spun like wool or cotton, our process starts with melting plastic. Polypropylene (PP) resin and other additives are fed into an extruder to produce PP tapes of varying thicknesses and widths. The melted resin forms PP sheets that are stretched by rollers, then slit into each tape end and wound onto a bobbin.

2. Weaving the fabric

These giant bobbins are then loaded onto stands and the tape is woven into FIBC fabric on special looms, to make either circular shaped bags or U-panels, for the various FIBC bag styles.

3. Coating for purpose

For bags that need to be moisture and sift-resistant, the fabric is vacuumed to release dust particles and passed through a static eliminator. It then goes through a lamination process, where a protective coating of polypropylene and other additives is applied. Breathable bags are not coated.

4. Made to measure

This is where it gets a little sci-fi. A computer program controls precision cutting, slicing the woven fabric from the rolls into the sizes required for the bag assembly process.

Custom printing

Bulk bags present a great opportunity for branding. Custom printing takes place before the bags are sewn up, using an approved printing ink that dries quickly to eliminate smears and running.

5. The human touch

And, because computers can’t do everything, our highly-trained staff complete the manufacturing process by sewing the fabric together to create each bulk bag. If requested, bags can be sewn in a clean, FDA approved room to maintain sanitation requirements.

6. Quality control

By following a strict quality control system throughout the manufacturing process, we produce FIBC bags that are both fit for purpose and safe to use.
You can be assured that our bags meet the required specification and safety workloads, protecting both their contents and the people handling them.

Learn more about these products.
Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.


Customer Stories

Think paper bags won’t cut it? Think again.

If you think paper packaging just won’t cut it for your product, you might be wrong. Multi-wall paper bags have come a long way in the past few years and are now a viable alternative to Woven PP bags in many areas – and they’re much better for the environment. Have we got your attention yet? An efficient and versatile packaging option made from a sustainable and renewable resource, multi-wall paper bags are available in a variety of constructions. Whether your product is cement or building materials, human food or pet food, agricultural products, chemicals or minerals, paper bags are worth considering.

6 things about multi-wall paper bags that may surprise you

#1. Strength and Durability

Depending on the specification, the strength and durability characteristics of multi-wall paper bags are actually up there with Woven PP bags. We’ll work with you to design/specify a bag to meet the strength and durability requirements required for your product. These days, paper punches above its weight.

#2. Moisture

Traditionally, paper and moisture don’t go together, but the use of technical papers & moisture barriers overcomes this. Specific moisture barriers between the layers of paper or on the internal layer can be applied to protect your product and the multi-wall paper bag.

#3. Print

The print options on paper bags are great, from full-colour gravure printing to basic flexographic printing, it’s easy to achieve a high-quality look and feel to your bags. And if you go for a block bottom design you can also print on the bottom of your bag which is awesome for horizontal presentation either on a pallet or in store.

#4. Environmental

The global packaging market is increasingly adopting measures to reduce the environmental impact of operations. This is driving improvements in the recyclability of paper, without compromising on the strength of the material. And that’s a win for paper sacks.

If you’re concerned about the environmental footprint of your business—or if your customers are—paper is a stand out option. You can’t beat a good win-win. Good for branding and sales and good for the environment.

#5. Breathability

The natural quality of paper allows the packaged product to breathe freely and ensure it remains fresh. It is also possible to have food grade certified paper bags if required. Perforations are also commonly used.

#6. Construction

The construction options for multi-wall paper bags are numerous. Block bottom, pinched bottom, open mouth, envelope mouth.

Is it time to consider eco-friendly paper for the packaging for your product?

Packaging plays an important role to ensure your product is portrayed to its true value. That’s something we take seriously.

If you’re considering making a change it’s important to ensure it’s in the best interests of your product and business. Often a small scale trial is the first step which we can help facilitate.

We take all steps to ensure you are supplied with quality, reliable, cost-effective packaging to meet your unique requirements.

Learn more about this packaging innovation.
Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Product Innovations

The new trend in small bag packaging, PP*STAR

Heard about PP*STAR, BOPP pinch bottom bags? The BOPP pinch bottom bag concept unites the best qualities of woven polypropylene tape fabric and printed BOPP film to create a cutting-edge packaging option for dry bulk goods. Perfect for packaging dry pet food or fertilizer, as well as other products such as seeds, flour, sugar, or rice. If you’re looking for strong but lightweight packaging with allover print capability that’s suitable for automatic filling systems and is easy to palletise, this is it.

Advantages of this new design

With all packaging, we’re constantly striving to reduce raw material costs and environmental impact. The challenge then becomes maintaining the important properties such as strength, durability and appearance. Read on to find out how PP*STAR bags measure up.

Light but strong

Single layer PP*STAR bags are strong enough to carry high quantities of content, making multiple-layer packaging no longer a necessity. An average single-layer PP*STAR bag that holds 25 kg of content weighs only 118 g – a weight reduction of more than 55 % compared to a 4-ply paper sack of the same size.

Even stronger than steel!

Woven tape fabric has a high tensile strength. In fact, a piece of polypropylene tape is even stronger than a piece of construction steel of the same size. This is what makes the PP*STAR bag unique. A 15 kg sack of pet food can survive a drop from more than 6 metres because the woven tape fabric combined with the BOPP film provides it with extraordinary stability. And the use of glue ensures that the closure does not burst open even under severe strain.

Perfect shelf display

The use of BOPP film allows allover printing of the bag, including the bottom. The reverse printed BOPP film protects the print against scratching and abrasion during handling and ensures a long-lasting attractive look.

No leaking or humidity intake

The pinch closure is tighter than a sewn closure. There are no stitches where product can leak through. This also makes them more tamper-proof. The BOPP lamination provides a good humidity barrier. This means no polyethylene inner liner is required for sensitive goods.

Easy filling

Existing filling technology such as common open-mouth filling lines can easily be adapted to pinch bottom bags. For closing, modified regular pinch bag closing lines are perfectly suitable. The heat sealing of the pinch top in the course of the filling process is quick and clean and guarantees secure closure against external agents.

So if you’re looking for retail ready packaging, that’s eco-friendly, strong, light and eye-catching PP*STAR bags could be just the ticket.

Learn more about this packaging innovation.
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Thinking about packaging automation? 5 key things to consider.

You’d be amazed at the number of conversations we had with people about packaging automation at Foodtech Packtech 2018. It was a hot topic, that’s for sure. Which makes sense given current problems with labour shortages in some sectors and, certainly at the moment, food contamination scares.

With the growing implementation of robotics and automation into production lines, there is the opportunity to reduce costs, provide more consistent quality products and improve profit margins. But just how much automation do you really need on your packaging line? How do you ensure you don’t impact your current operation and customer experience? And how do you know whether it’s time to take the plunge?

We work with businesses all the time who are taking that step. We have found there are some key points that need considering prior to committing to the capital equipment. Here are 5 simple questions worth asking.

1. Could you be selling more product?

Are you struggling to keep up with demand for your product? Or if you could make more product can you secure more sales?

2. Would you benefit from reduced labour costs?

The obvious answer to this question is ‘yes’. The real question is the Return On Investment (ROI)? Sometimes the capital expense is daunting however often once the ROI has been penned on paper it stacks up surprisingly well.

3. What is the cost of the ongoing consumable that is required for the level of automation you are considering?

More often than not, changes in automation require a change to the packaging. With the consumable being the ongoing cost we encourage anyone considering a change to ensure marriage between the machinery and the consumable is considered for the most economic outcome long term. Once the capital equipment has been committed to there is no reverse!

4. Do you have any risks?

With people in the mix, does your product pose any H&S risks? What is the risk of intentional or unintentional product contamination? Could this be mitigated through automation? The answer is yes, more often than not.

5. Are you prepared for the upfront investment?

Packaging automation doesn’t come for free. But your initial investment is only part of the picture. You need to take into account the total cost of ownership. Do some forecasting and calculate how much you will spend if you maintain the status quo versus your estimated future spend if you automate. You’ll soon work out how much time it will take to get a return on your investment (or not).

Always start with your product

Perhaps most importantly, when you’re weighing up your packaging automation options, you need to start with your product. What are the important factors in terms of your product’s shelf life, transport/handling, point-of-sale etc. You need to get the packaging right and match it to the automation process. And that’s where we come in here at Smart Pack.

Our 360-degree service looks at how your packaging fits into the big picture of your business. We are able to customise the design of your packaging to suit the requirements of your product from the production line to the consumer. We work closely with packaging machinery suppliers to ensure you get a product that is right for your customers and your business.

With the increased throughput that packaging automation can provide, storage space, cash flow and lead times can be tricky for any business. To help we offer a tailored inventory management service, where we can hold your product in stock for you and make things run a little bit smoother.

So if you’re thinking about packaging automation, contact us. We will work with you from start to finish to make sure you get the best product for your needs.

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Customer Stories

Is packaging graphic design in your Too Hard Basket?

Last week we had a call from a prospective customer. They were looking for a better packaging solution for their product. No problem.

But as we worked through their requirements, we realised they’d fallen into the same trap as many of our clients do.

Their focus was on the physical aspects of the packaging. They weren’t thinking about the packaging graphics opportunity.

In fact, they’d put packaging graphics firmly in the Too Hard Basket. And that’s where we find a lot of our customers put it.


  • They’re not quite sure who to engage with to get it sorted
  • They’re unsure if their graphic designer understands the type of printing available for their packaging
  • They haven’t got time to think about what they need
  • They wonder whether it will help them sell more product anyway
  • They’re unsure of the cost implications

Sound familiar?

If you’ve put product branding and packaging graphics in your Too Hard Basket, we can help.

You don’t need to know exactly what you want, or what you want your design to look like. We’ll help you get to that by asking you the right questions.

With answers to the right questions, we’ll develop the graphics for your packaging for you, as part of a total packaging solution.

We can create a 3D rendering of the proposed design. This way you get to see exactly what your finished product will look like. No need to use your imagination, and no chances of crossed wires. Once you’re happy with the design, all the specs can be signed off and your packaging goes into production.

Our aim is to make the process as easy and efficient as possible.

In fact, we can go from brief to final design in 24 hours.

And the best part? It’s all part of our service.

Take that customer we mentioned earlier. Before talking to us they were just going to stick a label on a plain white bag because they didn’t know how to deal with it otherwise.

We got straight to the bottom of what they needed. Within 24 hours we had a design proposal for them. They loved it and it’s now in production (they went for a printed multiwall paper bag with smart graphics).


How’s your Too Hard Basket looking?

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.
Services We Offer

Why good packaging graphics are good for business

Paying careful attention to your packaging design is not just for fancy consumer brands. Even packaging in the primary sector can benefit from good branding and graphics. Whether it’s to promote the benefits of your product, ensure brand recognition, provide usage instructions, or make sure your product stands out from the rest, packaging design can have a positive impact on your bottom line. How can we be so sure? We’ve seen it happen for our customers. Many times. Need convincing? Here’s why it works.

3 reasons good packaging design is good for business

1. Stand out from the competition

No matter what you sell — whether it’s stockfeed, firewood, seeds, or other — someone else will be selling a similar product. Most businesses have competitors.

Branded packaging will help you stand out and look different to your competitors. It’s also an opportunity to provide information to help sell your product. To tell the world why your product is so good.

Of course, the fundamental purpose of packaging is to provide a means to deliver the product from A to B securely. So the packaging real estate (and cost) is there already. If you’re not using it to your full advantage to sell your product you’re missing an opportunity. The additional cost of graphics on your packaging is nominal compared to the potential benefits.

2. Silently sell your product

Not only will good packaging design help you stand out at point of sale, it will also help with ongoing sales.

Using marketing speak — packaging is a core part of building a relationship between a brand and the end user, in some cases, long after purchase.

Or to put it more simply — if you’ve been using a product and liked it, it’s easier to buy it again if you remember the packaging next time you see it instore or online.

So branded packaging has the potential to help sell more product both at point of sale and when it’s in use or stored in your customer’s shed. A silent salesperson, if you will.

3. Make it easy

Good packaging design makes information easy to find and understand.

Some products need usage instructions and may have important safety warnings. This information is helpful both at point of sale and when the product is in use. Creating an experience with your brand that makes life easier and minimizes frustration will go a long way toward building loyalty.

Again, the packaging real estate is there already, the trick is to use it wisely. The right information and the right design help grow brand loyalty and ultimately sell more product.

Improving packaging graphics is not hard

Here at Smart Pack, we have in-house design capability, or we can work with your existing graphic designers. We have the capacity to quickly turn around packaging designs and print jobs. Our talented in-house graphic designers create quality designs, including 3D renderings. Our design team understand packaging construction, and know exactly what will work best for each of our bags and sacks.

Enhancing the graphics on your packaging is not a great deal of outlay, and offers a solid return on investment.

If you’re looking for a competitive edge, your packaging design can provide it.

We can turn your ideas into reality, adding value based on our experience in the primary sector. We know what works and what doesn’t.

Contact us if you’d like to find out more.
Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to see more of what we do.