Services We Offer

A 360º packaging perspective – How boots on the ground insights prevent up in the air decisions

We have developed and refined our Smart360 process to where we can now quickly assess and action improvements for clients. However, this process works best if we can get up close to the coalface. Only with this careful on-site analysis can companies know with certainty their packaging is 100% fit for purpose.

Packaging peace of mind is a beautiful thing. That’s when companies know every product is contained in as efficient, sustainable, and effective way as possible given the unique circumstances and environment they operate in.

But how often is this peace of mind possible, given that most companies work within a ‘business as usual’ approach?

Confidence can only come through the type of in-depth knowledge possible from a thorough on-site assessment. Our Smart360 system provides precise data around a wide range of measurables, clarity that ensures businesses can make well-considered decisions for enduring results.

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

Donald Rumsfeld, Former US Secretary of Defence.

So, how does it work? We follow a three-step, results-orientated approach to ensure packaging aligns with a business’s strategic and economic development plans.

Step 1: Analyse

Packaging fills many roles, from safe containment, through to marketing, and on to providing a robust vessel for the end user to access the product. With every movement, there is an opportunity to make changes, which can result in cumulative savings.

“The initial in-house assessment focused on the bags being the issue. However, closer analysis from our team found the root cause was in new bagging technology…”

Our analysts look closely at entire life cycle of the bag or sack. From manufacturing through to filling orders we’ll check each point to see where packaging processes and products can be improved.

This means looking at waste numbers for any issues, as well as checking sales cycles and operational processes. We’ll assess how your inventory is managed and how each product is placed in the market. Often, small additions or alterations have been made to meet the needs of the moment. However, without regular analysis, it can be hard to see whether these changes are still serving the right purpose.

One such example occurred with a company that was struggling with valve bags blowing up. The initial in-house assessment focused on the bags being the issue. However, closer analysis from our team found the root cause was in new bagging technology that had been recently implemented.

Our on-site diagnosis quickly established the best way forward – establishing the correct pressure and filling speed settings of the equipment. This didn’t just save ongoing costs associated with replacement bags. It also prevented a costly change in packaging.

Step 2: Optimise

A detailed analysis of the status quo will generally unearth opportunities for further optimisation.

A recent on-site assessment for one customer uncovered that bags were overhanging on pallets, which was causing several issues during storage and shipping. The packaging was over-specified for what was needed, and our subsequent recommendation reduced the size and, in doing so, reduced plastic use while increasing stability during transit.

By adding something like a gusset to a packaging product, more products may be able to be fitted onto a pallet, for example, reducing shipping costs. Of course, for some companies, a complete overhaul of product or packaging design may be suggested. This could be in line with new technologies in packaging, which might better serve the needs of your business and help you meet sustainability goals. Or a new Environmental Management System might be recommended.

Step 3: Implement

Once you have the data on hand, we can help you to embed pragmatic, effective changes that will optimise systems and increase savings. Sometimes it’s just a small tweak here and there that is needed for a positive result.

This might look like new product packaging created by our design team to better suit your needs, or a simple adjustment to existing packaging, through to a more efficient layout of your distribution centre. As we provide full in-house service for packaging design and supply, it can be simple and quick to implement changes.

This follow-through means your Smart360 analysis is always far more than a box ticking exercise. It allows companies throughout Australasia to remove the unknowns and pack, store, send, and sell with confidence.

To book a Smart360 site audit, click here.

Product Innovations

Billboards are out, BOPP Bulk Bags are in!

Your business may use Bulk Bags as a part of your operation, but what you didn’t know, until now, is that they can be a seriously powerful marketing tool.

Our new BOPP Full-Graphic Print Bulk bags are made with a BOPP laminate film which allows them to be full-graphic printed, giving you the opportunity to use your bags as a B2B or even B2C marketing medium.

Construction, Landscaping, Grain & Seed, Horticulture and Stockfeed are just a few of the industries that can benefit from utilizing their Bulk packaging for communications. Imagine, a busy job site on a main street and there it is, a Bulk Bag with your brand, in front of 100s if not 1000s of people who drive past. No need to pay for costly Signage or Billboards when you can use what’s already available on-site, your Bulk Bags!

Here are 3 ways to utilize BOPP printed Bulk Bags for Marketing:

  1. During an advertising campaign:

Running a campaign? One of the more commonly used outdoor marketing tools are billboards. Although Billboards get great visibility, they are a costly and can take up a lot of your advertising budget. The average cost of a billboard in NZ is between $1,900 to $3,600 per month which is budget that could be used elsewhere within your business or even saved!

  1. To create brand awareness:

The more people that see your brand the more they will remember it and the more they will bring it up in conversation (referrals). Your Bulk Bags have a multitude of potential touch points on it’s journey from supplier to logistics, to reseller, to customer, to job site and beyond. Most of these touch points involve people, people who will see and remember your brand. So when you have packaging that is eye-catching, carries a message and illustrates what you do all in one place you can see how they are an extremely under-utilized branding tool.

  1. Brand/Product differentiation and identification:

Packaging design is holding more importance in industries such as Stockfeed and especially for brands that have multiple products and ranges. Larger product result in difficulty identifying different products. Choosing your colours, imagery and design layout will be the difference between saving time, avoiding mistakes with logistics and making identification easier for customers when selling through retail stores.

Having the contents in full-graphic print on the side of your bulk bags could solve potential identification issues within your operation and can be used to market those products to your chosen target market.

Not sure how your brand will transfer to a Bulk Bag? Our in-house design team understand how best to display your brand on BOPP Bulk Bags and can supply artwork, help with layout and walk you through the design process.

Your Bulk Bags connect with multiple parts of your business every day, which means you could be missing out on opportunities to utilize your bags for more than transporting or storing your products. BOPP Bulk bags can deliver important messages, build brand awareness, and create custom solutions for your business.

Wanting to know more about our BOPP Bulk Bags? Contact the team today – 06 356 9835 | hello@